Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your feedback requested..

Love to get your thoughts on a strip I created awhile back. Will post on off days.


  1. I like it, Jon. Have you sent it in to any syndicates?

  2. Wow-Thanks MMM and Brian! I sent it awhile back to one or two syndicates, I believe. Any contact you'd recommend? You can see a whole batch @ http://ahcartoons.blogspot.com/

  3. I like it too, looking forward to seeing more of it.

  4. Have you tried the Washington Post Writers Group? That's my syndicate and they are great to work with. Amy Lago is my editor there.

  5. I like all your cartoons! I've even posted some to Pinterest. Now *that* is the big time...haha!

  6. Brian,
    Should I contact Amy directly? I could send her a link to my http://ahcartoons.blogspot.com/ Feel free to send her the link as coming recommended by you would get more eyeballs. I think it's strange that being a Judeo-Christian country we really don't have many comic strips that deal with the subjects of Heaven and Hell, etc. Anna Hosanna could fill that gap in a sort of Calvin and Hobbes way, I believe. Love to chat more with you.

  7. Jon, here's a link to the Writers Group's submission guidelines: http://www.postwritersgroup.com/comicsubmissionguide.html
    They accept samples via email or USPS. You can mention my endorsement in your cover letter if you'd like. Tell Amy I said I think it's a winner.

  8. Will do. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I'm still pinching myself about it!

  9. Brian-Just sent a letter and samples to Wash Post. Hope it goes well!..Tell Amy to look for it.

  10. I wouldn't limit myself to the Wash Post, Jon. They're my first choice, but why not shop it around? Maybe they'll get into a bidding war over your strip.

  11. Brian-I know I've sent it to at least 2, maybe 3 syndicates already and been rejected. I'd love to run it by you. Maybe with some help/mentoring from a veteran like you I'd have more of a chance. Got an email address? Mine's honestjonbooks@gmail.com. Regardless, I sure appreciate what you've already done to encourage me.

  12. I'll be happy to do what I can, Jon, but I don't know any magic formula for getting syndicated. In my case I think it was dumb luck. You can email me at picklescomic@sbcglobal.net
