Saturday, August 19, 2017

Anna Hosanna


  1. Did you write a blog called the Pen collector in 2012? I was looking over the pages and pages I printed out and there is no ending. I got to Ch 15 and that's it. Can you help me out? I really love your comics. They do brighten my day. = ]

    1. Anna Hosanna reminds me of my daughter who is actually traveling to Oregon to see the the eclipse with friends. She had to have all those things too, sans the logos. Too bad, I would have loved to have borrowed my daughter's water bottle if it had the logo on it! =)

    2. thanks for the encouragement Luanne! I plan to finish The Pen Collector soon. Hope your daughter enjoyed the eclipse. Thanks again! -Jon

  2. She did enjoy it! Lots of pictures too to remember it by. Be sure to let us know when the Pen Collector is done. I did enjoy the 15 chapters I printed! Yes printed!! Should make a great book! Specially if it comes out around Christmas or Easter time. Thank you for all your hard work in your "hobby". You keep my family smiling, and that is amazing!
